"In December 1929, Duke No.3265 Tre Pol and Pen was withdrawn, and the cab and other above-frame fittings together with a spare Duke boiler and smokebox, were fitted to the straight-topped frames of Bulldog no. 3365 Charles Grey Mott. The rebuilt locomotive was given the name and number of the Duke.[2] This resulted in an engine with stronger frames which could still be used on yellow weight restricted routes. The conversion was a success and from 1936 twenty-nine "new" locomotives were constructed from the relevant components of withdrawn Dukes and Bulldogs. The classification of the rebuilds as "new" locomotives had advantages in the railway's accounts,[2] and they were given new numbers in the 32xx series (3200-3228). A further eleven conversions were scheduled, but the onset of World War II brought a halt to the program.[3]"

"In December 1929, Duke No.3265 Tre Pol and Pen was withdrawn, and the cab and other above-frame fittings together with a spare Duke boiler and smokebox, were fitted to the straight-topped frames of Bulldog no. 3365 Charles Grey Mott. The rebuilt locomotive was given the name and number of the Duke.[2] This resulted in an engine with stronger frames which could still be used on yellow weight restricted routes.  The conversion was a success and from 1936 twenty-nine "new" locomotives were constructed from the relevant components of withdrawn Dukes and Bulldogs. The classification of the rebuilds as "new" locomotives had advantages in the railway's accounts,[2] and they were given new numbers in the 32xx series (3200-3228). A further eleven conversions were scheduled, but the onset of World War II brought a halt to the program.[3]"

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Description: Name: Oliver "Duck" Montague || Made by CT || Head by Terrie || Pants by T || Shoes and GWR logo by E-Bag || Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OErDb2620YE

CREATOR ID: fedf74
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Oliver Montague [Save]

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