i used to think you were a good person Atari... now you're just showing me exactly what everything around me wants me to think... that i can't be happy... i was hoping to happy with Terrie but you're ruining it... why can't you let people be happy? we're trying to be happy every one of us here... but now you want it gone? i think you should listen to Ben and just go... you have no more people who cares here -W

i used to think you were a good person Atari... now you're just showing me exactly what everything around me wants me to think... that i can't be happy... i was hoping to happy with Terrie but you're ruining it... why can't you let people be happy? we're trying to be happy every one of us here... but now you want it gone? i think you should listen to Ben and just go... you have no more people who cares here -W

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Description: -Last Hell Sans [ACT] -> [Check] -> [Sans - 1 ATK - 1 DEF *you're in hell now, but the same weak enemy... kill him quickly =)]

CREATOR ID: c13b8b
AGE: 3 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator