"Being less complicated" What's so complicated about it? There's just a new word you have to type. And you can make your own channel with your friends if you don't want to change channels all the time. - K.Vargas

"Being less complicated" What's so complicated about it? There's just a new word you have to type. And you can make your own channel with your friends if you don't want to change channels all the time. - K.Vargas

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Description: The old gallery was literally a hot mess, I couldn't tell if people were RPing or not.

CREATOR ID: 1c5b72
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: I don't see what the big deal is? They just tidied the system a bit, but it's not like I used the gallery much in the first place. I think you're just petty. - K.Vargas

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