The only reason we get so much attention is because we constantly come up with these storylines that have twists and turns. We actually have a plot to our roleplay. And if we don`t have a plot, then we`re just hanging out and chilling. We`re not fighting 24/7 because we find things to agree on, and we get creative. -BD

The only reason we get so much attention is because we constantly come up with these storylines that have twists and turns. We actually have a plot to our roleplay. And if we don`t have a plot, then we`re just hanging out and chilling. We`re not fighting 24/7 because we find things to agree on, and we get creative. -BD

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Description: Name: Boarderline Aishitomi Toya| Age: 10 | HP: 100 | DEF: 100 | ATK: 30 | Just a kid who wants to grow up and make everyone happy. | Easily excited, short attention span.

CREATOR ID: 752b4c
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: 10 year old Boarder

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