Wow and then you ignore me moau super mature of you, just to get out of a situation like this you ignore because its the best thing you can do instead of leaving or explaining everything you just ignore and act like you had done nothing this is why you are hated because you have been a pedofile, you tried to leak someones location which could have gotten twighlight in some serious trouble and your out here like "this is fine anyways who wants to rp" and you cant even defend yourself how pathetic just leave forever and this whole thing can juts stop -Drone

 Wow and then you ignore me moau super mature of you, just to get out of a situation like this you ignore because its the best thing you can do instead of leaving or explaining everything you just ignore and act like you had done nothing this is why you are hated because you have been a pedofile, you tried to leak someones location which could have gotten twighlight in some serious trouble and your out here like "this is fine anyways who wants to rp" and you cant even defend yourself how pathetic just leave forever and this whole thing can juts stop   -Drone

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CREATOR ID: 3fcaee
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Drone Sprite sheet save -Drone

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