Basically I want to know if you can make a normal human oc for every character on this sheet other than Eggman, Tails, Metal, Knuckles, Amy, Ray and Juno

Basically I want to know if you can make a normal human oc for every character on this sheet other than Eggman, Tails, Metal, Knuckles, Amy, Ray and Juno

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Description: - Axelle Sprite/editing by Axelle! Oomc=Out of main canon. Cast and cause of death Sonic/Katie/Juno(20F)-Human:suicide-EXE:none Juno's powers and abilities:Super Sonic Speed, Semi Time and space manipulation within the Sonic world only, code manipulation, Likes:EXEs who do not refer to themselves as a god unless they truly are, Chili Dogs, Loves:EXEs who are based on Junio Sonic(Example:Sonic.OMW/OMW.EXE)(Oomc), Tea, once human EXEs(Example:X-Terion)(Oomc), Dislikes:Devil Mario(Oomc, IHY Luigi(Oomc) Hates:Exeller(Oomc), Exetoir(Oomc), Sark(Oomc), Boom Knuckles, Fear(s):Starved Eggman(Oomc) Juno's reasons for killing:to ensure she can control the game and infect other electronics as well as adding more souls to the roster Rivals(Friendly or otherwise):Beta Jumpman, Eggman/Julian Ivo Robotnik -Drowning-Water Tails/FireFox-Burning-Fire Knuckles/Face-Suffocating-Air Amy/Mary-Electricity-Thunder Metal Sonic/Rusted-Rust-Time Vector/Ryan-Frozen-Ice Ray/James(19M)-none Trivia:Juno does not refer to herself as god at all,and finds most EXEs who do to be pathetic, only ones shes respects who does that is Xenophanes and Lord X.(Oomc) Juno also has a high respect for Sl4sh Xenophanes, and Needlemouse(Oomc) Juno's favorite zone is Starlight Zone, having it be music playing in her "lair" 75% of the future roster will be once humans Tails is canonically a alternate Secret History Tails whose code was reused for Tails for some reason that's unknown as of now, the code also fused with Classic Tails' code making a semi insane Tails Knuckles cannot speak Eggman is somewhat depressed but still had rule over Mobius before Juno began to attack Sally [REDACTED TEXT] Juno is one of the only EXEs who doesn't make fun of Sonic.RAW(Oomc) Tails, Metal Sonic, Extra Life, Super Sonic, Mighty, and Omega are all Asexual and Aromantic Amy doesn't love Juno/Sonic Juno does feel some regret for murdering her victims, but she doesn't say this The virus who infected Juno is simply called "System 404 Virus" Juno has two forms but likes to be in her main one often Juno doesn't have a faker form Amy canonically plays Cookie Run and Terraria.(Oomc) Those who are not possessed are sentient due to the souls influencing their code Juno, Knuckles, Amy, Mecha Sonic, and Shadow are all pansexuals Eggman, Ray, and Sally are bisexual "Juno" Art by Mix Eggman design by Zero Fire for Tails eyes by Apples and Terrie Inspirations for Juno:ASTRAMONICONX's "Xenophanes" Sonic.EXE and ShutUpJoJo's "Needlemouse" Sonic.EXE and Original Character "Sarah" Inspiration for Sally:JoeDoughBoi's "Lord X" Sonic Series by SEGA Funk mix idles and icon refs by Funk Mix DX team Head sprites by Lss

CREATOR ID: 97ede9
AGE: 2 years old

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