Quiver( ROTMG)

Quiver( ROTMG)

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Description: Pharetra Perditrite A long time ago, the quiver was at its peak when the army of apparitions broke the war, causing a sudden explosion to their land and fragmented the weapon's design. And now the quiver itself is so old that it curses life energy from now on . Shots: 3 Damage: 300-500/ Range: 20/ Paralyzes for 4 seconds Stuns for 3 seconds Cooldown: 2 seconds Shots go through multiple targets/ Shots ignores defenses/ Shots go through walls/ Tier: SP SP effects: All weapons ignores defense and adds extra 3 tile range.

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 226
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: Ice Sword

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