[Repost by CT] The best Marvel movies are: all Captain America movies, Age of Ultron, all Iron Man movies, all Guardians of the Galaxy movies, Ant Man and the Wasp, Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther, and Avengers Endgame.

[Repost by CT] The best Marvel movies are: all Captain America movies, Age of Ultron, all Iron Man movies, all Guardians of the Galaxy movies, Ant Man and the Wasp, Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther, and Avengers Endgame.

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Description: Sprite by CT | Name: Paladar Maxisys | Age: 293 | Species: Half-Elf Drakii | Gender: Male | Class: Assassin | Sub-class: Shadow Dancer | Atk: [REDACTED] Def: [REDACTED] HP: [REDACTED] MgSk: [REDACTED] | Immune to all Undertale attacks | Specializes in the ways of the Yauts

CREATOR ID: 842b2e
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: The best Marvel movies are: all Captain America movies, Age of Ultron, all Iron Man movies, all Guardians of the Galaxy movies, Ant Man and the Wasp, Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther, and Avengers Endgame.

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