So... Out of 24 people... Only 10 remain... As 15 have died...

So... Out of 24 people... Only 10 remain... As 15 have died...

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Description: The arena's border begins to rapidly contract. - Terrie survives. - Thinking they could escape, Peta and Winter attempt to run through the border together. - Psycho Manic is electrocuted by the border. - Stellar restrains King Squid to a tree and leaves him to die. - Sans?... survives. - Jessie survives. - The Murderer survives. - Loli pushes Rue into the border while she is not paying attention. - Copyright survives. - Chara survives. - Thresh survives. - Foxlinn trips on a tree root and is unable to recover fast enough. - T trips on a tree root and is unable to recover fast enough. - May Bae survives. - HZ is electrocuted by the border.

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: "Gone and added my own Sans...

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AI Painting Generator