Guys... If he wants to leave let him leave, stop trying to just force him to stay here... It`s Gunther`s option to leave... Not your`s... So just stop... Sides if he leaves and forgets about PAM, at least that damn Cartoon Cat, will be forgotten too right?...

Guys... If he wants to leave let him leave, stop trying to just force him to stay here... It`s Gunther`s option to leave... Not your`s... So just stop... Sides if he leaves and forgets about PAM, at least that damn Cartoon Cat, will be forgotten too right?...

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Description: -Terrie |

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: R/Im14andThisIsDeep : [Best post to me personally] : "OMG so I just figured out the word "hurt" it`s past, present and future; you will be hurt, you are hurt, you were hurt; BECAUSE IF SOMETHING TRULY HURT, IT NEVER REALLY STOPS" - ``you poetic little shit`` - "``it`s because... it`s an adjective... ...``"" - "``"you will be stupid, you are stupid, you were stupid"``"

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