*Rewind was leaning against a wall, his eyes closed. His grey scarf blew in the wind a little bit, and he was wearing an all black skin-tight suit with blue stripes down the sides, with a white jacket on over that. ....But it makes no sense not to see any boney parts, like, the fuck-*

*Rewind was leaning against a wall, his eyes closed. His grey scarf blew in the wind a little bit, and he was wearing an all black skin-tight suit with blue stripes down the sides, with a white jacket on over that. ....But it makes no sense not to see any boney parts, like, the fuck-*

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Description: Rewind | Accent: Soft Russian | By Boarderline263 | HP: 100 | DEF: 50 | ATK: 50 | LV: 28 | Age: 18

CREATOR ID: 752b4c
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Agent 7

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