No, not that, I meant the... spaming until someone does it thing. Because we all seen it, but we don't do it until you repost is over and over. .-. Not talking from experience because I never drew anything for anyone because I no good at draw :P

No, not that, I meant the... spaming until someone does it thing. Because we all seen it, but we don't do it until you repost is over and over. .-.  Not talking from experience because I never drew anything for anyone because I no good at draw :P

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Description: credit to Sharfav3in's / GARFIELD *likes* pasta,lasagna, spaghetti, and pizza... lived with jon and odie before he was kidnapped by binky the clown now he is friendly and likes anyone whos nice... friends. odie,jon,cleetus, and any one who wants to be nice

CREATOR ID: c91422
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: no rainbow stole sprites and was being a dick that no one liked i am confronting the truth from them -MOAU

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator