Really, that damn glitch, annoys me more than spammers, porn posters, AND sprite, stealers combined, as all of them don`t even remotely annoy me... But that glitch?... Just, no... THAT`S, what annoys me...

Really, that damn glitch, annoys me more than spammers, porn posters, AND sprite, stealers combined, as all of them don`t even remotely annoy me... But that glitch?... Just, no... THAT`S, what annoys me...

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Description: Calamity Terrie; Age: ??; Height: 18' 9"; Weight: ?? kg; A Dog with a feather'd tail; Who's also German| Is this really, Terrie, anymore?... | [Terrie: ATK: 5 | DEF: 85,000 | SPD: 800 | LV: -15 | Comes from a realm of beings that are very OP, he loves to make friends rather than enemy`s!] | Side note: The whole DESC, will be changed later...

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: Calamity Terrie: phase 1.9 "| ALMOST Phase 2...

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator