lancer89, was and IS the original creator of this sprite which is older than this "Brighter" Red fucker. Who STOLE this and edited and claims that he made it when he didn't.

lancer89, was and IS the original creator of this sprite which is older than this "Brighter" Red fucker. Who STOLE this and edited and claims that he made it when he didn't.

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Description: * Hey there human I know what you did and you can't hide it ether my third eye sees all kiddo...

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: DT-tale Rus (Fixed legs) -This being on of them... He`s the first characte rI helped work on for someone they need the legs I made them and well he blew up from there with many AU versons of himself and well you can use him T... -Loli

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