My response to 7521f9: It's quite funny how late on PAM's Crusader phase you are. You don't get to disrespect Luna or anyone else on here and feel like you did something right. Get out of your mother's basement and get some fresh air. Makes sense why they call you "Filthy" Frank. -Tiny Timmy

My response to 7521f9: It's quite funny how late on PAM's Crusader phase you are. You don't get to disrespect Luna or anyone else on here and feel like you did something right. Get out of your mother's basement and get some fresh air. Makes sense why they call you "Filthy" Frank. -Tiny Timmy

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CREATOR ID: 756198
VIEWS: 108
AGE: 1 year old
BASED ON: Sorry man. Had to go for Boy Scouts.

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