hey i have found out all my powers, read my description!

hey i have found out all my powers, read my description!

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Description: this is not your normal Creeper, he's the very first Creeper to ever spawn! he has abilities too! ability 1# power cannons: this is his main attack, this ability is more like his attack but this attack shoots TNT-like bullets from his mouth. ability 2# tactical nuke: this is a very strong attack that he uses on strong or in big groups of enemies. this ability is basically him blowing up but he doesn't die from it, when this ability is used you'll have 3 seconds to get away before he explodes and this explosion is the size and power of a nuke. ability 3# delete code: this ability is only usable in a video game. this ability takes up all of his power and this is his most powerful attack yet, this ability allows him to delete anything that he chooses but he can only choose 1 thing to delete. this thing can be a thing, place, or person. this is a last scenario attack. he can not use these abilities unless he is in his 2nd form. there are some things to know about when he's in his 2nd form though. these abilities take up a certain amount of his power, when he runs out of power he will turn back to his normal form and pass out, from here he is vulnerable because he needs to recharge aka rest.

CREATOR ID: 207c21
VIEWS: 249
AGE: 3 years old

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