DETERMINATION!ShuffleSwap [DSHUFFSW] Chapter 2: A Reset-ed world: Phase 9/4: question from dev: Should I make a phase 10 or a chapter 3? or should I not make any of those options I might even vote myself

DETERMINATION!ShuffleSwap [DSHUFFSW] Chapter 2: A Reset-ed world: Phase 9/4: question from dev: Should I make a phase 10 or a chapter 3? or should I not make any of those options I might even vote myself

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Description: SixHands: My 6 hands shall stop you! Chara: *Check Also Chara: you for real have "Six Hands" SixHands: Now do you understand why I grew more arms? Chara: . . . So you could grow a name? SixHands: Now you get why finally understand, But I S H A L L D E S T R O Y Y O U O N C E A N D F O R A L L . Chara: So you are still 'Gaster'? SixHands: well I changed my name for the rest of my life Chara: I won't forget that SixHands.

CREATOR ID: 807e0a
VIEWS: 142
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: DETERMINATION!ShuffleSwap [DSHUFFSW] Chapter 2: A Reset-ed world: Phase 9/4: beware of the 'Gaster A.U.' with six hands. . . h e s r i g h t i n f r o n t o f y o u .

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