wring berrer!or,however you spell it...i am aware of our attempt to destroy this world...and i repsect that.if you are reseiving this pransmission,meet me by the friendly channel tomorrow,at 6:00 PM real time.and if i´m not there,come back the day after that,but at 7:00 PM,if either of us can make it.if you help me destroy this world,i will make you more powerful then you could ever dream...and apologies to everyone else who is recieving this signal,and gets mad because of it...but please,help me destroy this world,and i will make it worth your while...

wring berrer!or,however you spell it...i am aware of our attempt to destroy this world...and i repsect that.if you are reseiving this pransmission,meet me by the friendly channel tomorrow,at 6:00 PM real time.and if i´m not there,come back the day after that,but at 7:00 PM,if either of us can make it.if you help me destroy this world,i will make you more powerful then you could ever dream...and apologies to everyone else who is recieving this signal,and gets mad because of it...but please,help me destroy this world,and i will make it worth your while...

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CREATOR ID: 46ea29
AGE: 1 year old
BASED ON: unbeattable?unbeattable,where are you?i got your call!where are you??

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