The Potential Aerosol Mass (PAM) is an Oxidation Flow Reactor (OFR) that provides a highly oxidizing environment that simulates atmospheric oxidation processes on timescales ranging from a day to several days in a few minutes in the laboratory / field. The reactor was designed by Prof. William Brune's group at Penn State. In addition to being used as a source of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) particles, the PAM reactor is also used to simulate atmospheric processing of soot and other model primary organic aerosols. The reactor is a Pyrex or metal cylinder 46 cm L x 22 cm W, providing an internal volume of 13.3 liters. UV lamps (λ = 254 nm & 185 nm) are located inside the chamber

The Potential Aerosol Mass (PAM) is an Oxidation Flow Reactor (OFR) that provides a highly oxidizing environment that simulates atmospheric oxidation processes on timescales ranging from a day to several days in a few minutes in the laboratory / field. The reactor was designed by Prof. William Brune's group at Penn State. In addition to being used as a source of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) particles, the PAM reactor is also used to simulate atmospheric processing of soot and other model primary organic aerosols. The reactor is a Pyrex or metal cylinder 46 cm L x 22 cm W, providing an internal volume of 13.3 liters. UV lamps (λ = 254 nm & 185 nm) are located inside the chamber

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