Stronger than you Trenton Version

Stronger than you Trenton Version

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Description: Listen to this whilst reading!: It's a weird day outside Sky is green Grass is pink On days like these...Stealers like you....Should be BURNING IN HELL! Turn around Haxxor It should be a crime! If i had to go back on that promise I made for them...So don't step over that line! Or else You will have a bad time But theves like you don't play by the rules! And heros like us ain't easy to be played for fools! So let's go let the room get chiller let's go Dirty art stealer! Go ahead try to steal my art if your able! You should know by now that my friends help me watch the table...I know your mad because I keep on killin' But it's actually quite thrilling! You'll never win we'll be here together...Fighting like animals forever I know you just steal more each time a catch ya' But i'll always be here watching forever! I am ma-ade Ooooooof Looooove! Oooooof loooove! This is where it stops I'm gonna make it end If you think you can sneak it past me you'd better try again!But no matter how i catch you...You never give up stealing Do you just like the feeling of your sins crawling on your back?Go ahead and try to steal if your able. You should know by now that art isn't stealable. Think you can try to Steal from me like I'm some pawn! Well you stole from my friends so get DUNKED ON!I know you made all my friend corrupt But everything they made is why I'm here! There will be no mercy.There is only vengence!I have Determination! I am made OOOOOF LOOOOOVE LOOOVE LOOVE But i'm stronger than you!

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 109
AGE: 7 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator