Lmao imagine being scared of furries despite playing games with them in it.

Lmao imagine being scared of furries despite playing games with them in it.

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Description: Mizuki Kyūbi Tamashī Species:Kitsune Nicknames:Spring, Autumn, Eclipse, Mona Gender:Female Age:???(More than a hundred years old, due to the fact kitsunes don't get human forms until a hundred) Pronouns:She/They Sexuality:Bi Relations:Skeld/Lover Personality:Chill as long as you don't piss her off, kinda kind, prone to get angry more than others. Weight:She won't answer Height:6 feet, 2 inches Powers:Pyrokinesis, Electrokinesis, illusions, shapeshifting (particularly to human form), possession, Foxfire, and Pyroportation Flaming Theme(Sorta a wip?):https://padlet-uploads.storage.googleapis.com/1203086641/e1d37e67553e32e2af9924d2ef988dc0/untitled.mp3 Facts 1:She has claws on her paws and hind paws 2:She wears shoes 3:She is allergic to something but she doesn't know what 4:She has 9 tails 5:She is sorta inspired by older oca of mine the gut being from Autumn, the purple hoodie and eyes being from Springrat, the kitsune thing is inspired by Aurora, and the ears being inspired by Eclipse, actually Mizuki is technically a redesigned Aurora but whatever. 6:her name is inspired by Luna, sorta. Friends:Ateo, DST, Blew, Lss, Luna, Lexi, Nat, Marker, Pkg, Plant, Cy(From my POV at least), Idiotic Cartoon, Percy, Salt, Finlay, Mix, Zero, Olly, Tim, Ryuu, Geno, Silver, Galaxy, Gabe, BX, E-bag, and Mala Sprite and editing by Mizuki Used by Mizuki Undertale Battle sprite made by Dst and me(Main body by me, edits and head by Dst) Theme by Dst(Thanks) Judge sprite base by Poofy Sonic 3 styled Mizuki by Lexi Deltarune sprites and designs by Lexi

CREATOR ID: 970cdd
AGE: 2 years old

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