Hell, I'm still skeptic over KARMAS death, considering Dimmy being a brother, obviously never wanting to hoax that, but a best friend and Karma could be goofing off, if not then, Idek anymore, just, what in hells name has this world come too, christ.

Hell, I'm still skeptic over KARMAS death, considering Dimmy being a brother, obviously never wanting to hoax that, but a best friend and Karma could be goofing off, if not then, Idek anymore, just, what in hells name has this world come too, christ.

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Description: Nothing is fully known about the creature, they are just an egg... Ambient theme: https://soundcloud.com/flamesatgames/interstellar-retribution-in-the-style-of-sans Phase 1: https://soundcloud.com/flamesatgames/bonelovania Phase 2: https://soundcloud.com/flamesatgames/final-chance Hatched: https://soundcloud.com/sayonara-maxwell/sayonara-maxwell-undertale-death-by-glamour-remix

CREATOR ID: d14112
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: I was only being skeptic, considering the fact things can be easily hoaxed on this site, again, very sorry about your brother Dimmy. - Oliver

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