Add me, or not. I don't care. And before you ask, "Why Loli" Well, even tho she is kinda a bitch, and T called upon Betty to destroy the locket in favor of dating a robot catgirl, she was still a major-ish part of my PAM stunts. And part of PAM!Ts Arc as a whole, as getting over her was a long struggle for him. He couldn't get rid of or destroy that damn golden locket. It would always find a way to haunt him, and come back to him.

Add me, or not. I don't care. And before you ask, "Why Loli" Well, even tho she is kinda a bitch, and T called upon Betty to destroy the locket in favor of dating a robot catgirl, she was still a major-ish part of my PAM stunts. And part of PAM!Ts Arc as a whole, as getting over her was a long struggle for him. He couldn't get rid of or destroy that damn golden locket. It would always find a way to haunt him, and come back to him.

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Description: Terrie, Loli, Chris, BD, Sky, APL, Chaos, CV, Anau, Grim, Tomkat, (BTW, Anau and Tomkat would be fighting in the picture) Also might include Kaylacautio bcuz, T (Obviously), Gunther, SAL, Mawile, King Squid, and others.

CREATOR ID: 990543
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: The ones I would put are in the Desc.

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