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Description: -PAMTerrie Apr 2, 22:55; 1, 2, 3... Yep.. -Anon: ugh... well thanks Terr now to calm down... -WoodenGuy33: Hello terrie. Well PAM is shit as always So -PAMTerrie: Jesus... -Woddenguy33: i think there's a possible solution, because there's too much shit going on and no direction -PAMTerrie: Clearly... -Woddenguy33: and also a bunch of sadness -Anon: and confusing for me -PAMTerrie: Isn't PAM just that?... I can't even state... -Woodenguy33: Som let's just reset PAM. i remember Foxlinn's hotel and all that stuff. the reason why it went well cause there's direction -Terrie: I don't really know how to do that if I'm meant to just rip my head off and not come back... -Wood: and things are in order. Ima be real honest, even if i do the restart i cant save you from everyone. -Terrie: No one can... Not even myself... Yet PAM might as well be like this... [] -Wood: Best suggestion i would have is to be a new person. a new identity on teh inernet. on PAM. -Terrie: HOW?! Everyone would CLEARLY know it's me!... -Wood: But! Its about starting off fresh. new. -Anon: hm... i could do something Terrie -Wood: not old. and im doing that as well its the least i could do. -Anon: i already kinda started new by being away for about a month -Terrie: I can't... Everyone knows my standars... I'd give myself away... -Wood: Well, i was hoping for just separating from the old stuff. like Joji. -Terrie: Who?... -Anon: Terrie i think we can lower your standards -Wood: FlithyFrank- wait i forgot you dont know him. -Terrie: Rice field motherfucker... I do know him... -Wood: All you need to know, he switched entirely. And its kinda like this. Everybody's so bent up on fucking anger and revenger and sadness This won't be easy -Terrie: I noticed we only wanted to fight in PAM at somepoint after the nukes... -Anon: what nukes? -Wood: probably a metaphor or something -Terrie: Way back when Karma, ended up setting off three nuke in Foxlynn's old hotel... -Wood: Huh. Well, you probably dont know who i am terrie, right? -Terrie: Than Karma, taking everyone into the "furture"... I noticed after those two events we for some reason got violent... -Wood: yeah. -Terrie: I don't forget -Anon 2?: Hello. -Wood: the furture is where everybody went downhill. its me, Danger (Plot twist!) -Anon: Hello Danger. -Terrie: Suit yourself... But-... -Wood: By the way. I cant bring you justice for what we did. -Terrie: -Realization- 𝙁 𝙐 𝘾 𝙆 ! . . . I still don't really care.. -Wood: Meh -Anon: oh... you see i wasn't there when that happened -Terrie: I done fucked up in the worst way... -Wood: Thats why. Im doing this. -Anon: Yeah, PAM is dying -Terrie: And in the eyes of most people of PAM I might as well be E... As soon as I show up I cause chaos... -Wood: Shut up, and let the man figure out how to make y'all stop stuffering cause you like PAM too much That was sarcastic but ya know -Anon: ugh... we need to make people care... unlike how i'm slowly getting pissed -Terrie: ...

CREATOR ID: 63ceb7
AGE: 3 years old

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