vaulttale Frisk Sprite Sheet

vaulttale Frisk Sprite Sheet

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Description: this is the sprite sheet of vaulttale frisk, its a au i thought of...i dont know if it already exists...hope not...and uh, i dont think that xionel sprites coming anytime soon.... thir favorite weapons that frisk uses are the 10mm pistol, and the combat knife, the combat knife has 145 attk, i got this number making the 9 attk 99, because its a knife, then adding its ap used, 20, then added its weight, 1, and then its value. the 10mm pistol has 260.5 attk, this number is calculated from damage 18, and its core stats of fire rate 46, range 83, accuracy 60, weight 3.5, and value 50. their vault 0 jumpsuit gives them 35 def..i mean..not much reason..its a jumpsuit. T_T

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 658
AGE: 7 years old
BASED ON: Frisk Sprite Sheet (No walking sprites)

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator