YOU!? A FURRY!? I THINK FUCKING NOT THERE YOU GODDAMN IDIOT! you think we wouldn't notice you are NOT a furry? a furry wouldn't steal someone's art and not credit them, because of the fact that most of the furries admit defeat you keep going because you're to stubborn to realize we are the better people because we ACTUALLY make our sprites whereas you rely on other people... you disgust me -W

YOU!? A FURRY!? I THINK FUCKING NOT THERE YOU GODDAMN IDIOT! you think we wouldn't notice you are NOT a furry? a furry wouldn't steal someone's art and not credit them, because of the fact that most of the furries admit defeat you keep going because you're to stubborn to realize we are the better people because we ACTUALLY make our sprites whereas you rely on other people... you disgust me -W

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Description: -W | Name: Elli, Age: 16, Sexuality: wazzat?, wholesomeness level: pure foxxo, likes: warm blankets and anime, dislikes: mean people and reality shows(except Impractical Jokers)

CREATOR ID: d0ac6b
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: "oh- i mean i'm in the classes for those who don't have powers"

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator