Tress The Cartoon Demon (message from her) By Heatrash The Fire Fox

Tress The Cartoon Demon (message from her) By Heatrash The Fire Fox

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Description: Tress} For many long years I've, no, WE'VE been trying to get our revenge, Now.... now, I think we might be able to do it, Bendy, Boris, Alice, we're coming for you, Me and Lucy is, we're not going to be in the shadows anymore, this is our time to shine, and it's time for you to be left in the ink, the left over ink that YOU put us in, thanks to someone they brought us 2 to life, Just... Like... Joey... just like I have said, "When the lights fade out, is when we rise from darkness and capture our victims and take over them." ........... You think you can stop me? Really? Pathetic.... You three are so stupid to try and stop me, Do you know what me and Lucy is capable of?? WE AREN'T CREATURES THAT ARE LEFT IN THE INK.......... heh.... How funny this is, this is adorable how you try like that, you know... it makes me feel a little..... Depressed to talk like this, I never really.... Wanted to have this life, but now I realize... Maybe this was meant to be, maybe... We should just remove you like he did with us. You think you're not part of this? you're the reasons why we're not happy, sure maybe he lied to you, but is that really bad enough compared to what happened with us? No it isn't now.... Lets have some fun.... =)

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 248
AGE: 6 years old

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