[They take 999 DMG, but it doesnt even create a scratch on them] "Cute, im prett tired now so sadly i wont be able to do this all in one day, though half of your "City" is gone, so at least your suffering, or someone is"

[They take 999 DMG, but it doesnt even create a scratch on them] "Cute, im prett tired now so sadly i wont be able to do this all in one day, though half of your "City" is gone, so at least your suffering, or someone is"

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Description: Buxi- Atk: 87,000 Def: 215,000. An Alternate Universe Version of Finx, They have stolen the abilities of Betty Noire, similar to Xfin, but only cause destruction and chaos... their power grows the more they fight..

CREATOR ID: a34ade
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: [They turn into a puddle, reforming a second later behind Quilt] "You were never that strong without your magic" [They slam them into the wall, breaking their nose]

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator