"I know all of your tricks... And my time is running out, time to end it here. Divine Command, your fate is now sealed into the path I have chosen for you now..." +All of her eyes have disappeared, as she drops the sword, eroding her body away, and all of the surrounding area, with the sword eventually turning into a horde of flies...+

"I know all of your tricks...  And my time is running out, time to end it here. Divine Command, your fate is now sealed into the path I have chosen for you now..." +All of her eyes have disappeared, as she drops the sword, eroding her body away, and all of the surrounding area, with the sword eventually turning into a horde of flies...+

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Description: Beherit They who speak the language of the Idea Proficiency: C+ 4/500 Divine Commands Affiliation: The Harbingers of Babel Difficulty Level: Extreme-Nigh Impossible without countermeasures

CREATOR ID: a93a9d
AGE: 1 year old
BASED ON: "I shall wield the sword of god himself." +Two of her eyes vanish, as a blinding beam of fire and pure light would appear in her left hand, burning the debris into nothing, the brighest light to ever be seen... emitting even to the edge of the universe.+

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