Lina (In Dark/Not In Dark) STORY IN DESC!!!

Lina (In Dark/Not In Dark) STORY IN DESC!!!

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Description: At her 7th birthday on 1991 Oct. 20th she was playing hide and seek with her friends... but... that day turned to a living... NIGHTMARE... As the went bye her friends never found her... it was about an half hour when she was hiding... She thought they were still looking for her so she came out of her hiding spot and found that no one is in the building but her... Though she thought... She was alone... She was alone in a place called Mew's Play Time Area... Where the animatrionic Pokemons play on stage... she thought they were able to talk to her, so she asked "Mew? Meloetta? Diancie? Victini? Shiny Eevee? Shiny Espeon? Can you hear me?" As she wondered around she saw something in the dark and walked towards it though... it was a big mistake... As she continued to walk toward it... she started to see blood, she felt as if she isn't alone anymore, she sat down next to the table (in the pose as this pixel art is) And put her party hat on the floor... A tear dripped from her face... She said "Why did they leave me...? On my birthday? She picked up her party hat... She got up and said "It's dark... I'm scared!" she saw something glow red in the dark though she knew she shouldn't go to it but... She did anyways... That... that is what her mistake was made at... She continued to walk towards it then found a knife so she picked it up to protect herself just in case she was attacked... She walked behind the animatronic's on stage (Mew's stage)... She found the wall had a door that looked just like the wall it was next to... She into the room then found blood on the ground but not to much blood... She walked backwards and turned around to find the written message on the wall written in blood saying "RUN!!!" So she started to run out of the room into the party room... But... she was attacked from behind... She fainted... Once 6:30 A.M. hit a worker came into the building and found her in the party room... She seemed attacked so the worker called the police and the hospital... though the Police never found any that happened... Who attacked her? Did she die? that is what people are asking, luckily she didn't die, though sadly she is in a coma... What happened? Why was she still in the building? Who attacked her? Will she ever wake up? That is what people are asking now... Though the story continues... Nobody knows the rest... yet...

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 222
AGE: 7 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator