Even more off-topic, I find English grammar kind of... strange. In German, "ein" means `a` and `one`, but in English, there are two different versions, and, rather than just saying "ein", you`d say "a" in a sentence like "How much does the scarf cost" or "one" in a sentence such as "How much does one scarf cost", rather than just have it as "Wie viel kostet ein Schal", with `ein` being correct for both translations of "how much does a scarf cost" and "how much does one scarf cost."

Even more off-topic, I find English grammar kind of... strange. In German, "ein" means `a` and `one`, but in English, there are two different versions, and, rather than just saying "ein", you`d say "a" in a sentence like "How much does the scarf cost" or "one" in a sentence such as "How much does one scarf cost", rather than just have it as "Wie viel kostet ein Schal", with `ein` being correct for both translations of "how much does a scarf cost" and "how much does one scarf cost."

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