Basically, On my planet (which doesn't have a name at the moment) most people are born with some type of element power. The "powers" are passed down through family. I was born into a family of wind users. So I was expect to be the same.. However, for some reason, instead I get electric "powers" instead. If someone is born without "powers" (Like Lucas) are often left on the streets by their family because they're "worthless" (So I guess kind of like crests in fire emblem)

Basically, On my planet (which doesn't have a name at the moment) most people are born with some type of element power. The "powers" are passed down through family. I was born into a family of wind users. So I was expect to be the same.. However, for some reason, instead I get electric "powers" instead. If someone is born without "powers" (Like Lucas) are often left on the streets by their family because they're "worthless" (So I guess kind of like crests in fire emblem)

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CREATOR ID: e16e82
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Save, - Brian

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