jesus christ, it took a while but i finally made them all. i had to pretty much restart quite a way through because i accidentally lost it once. there might be a few mistakes in there i didn't notice, but god i'm not gonna fix those 'cus this took e f f o r t to redraw. other than that, i recreated the entire original thing pixel by pixel, i am very proud of myself for this - Cookie

jesus christ, it took a while but i finally made them all. i had to pretty much restart quite a way through because i accidentally lost it once. there might be a few mistakes in there i didn't notice, but god i'm not gonna fix those 'cus this took e f f o r t to redraw. other than that, i recreated the entire original thing pixel by pixel, i am very proud of myself for this - Cookie

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Description: Recreated by Cookie, Original by @LonelyFlowering on Twitter. (Holy fuck i finally finished it after so long). Ask me before using if you want to use it, and don't use it if i don't respond because I'm tired most of the time and don't notice most things. That's all there is to know, you can stop reading this now

CREATOR ID: 8de716
VIEWS: 183
AGE: 3 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator