Dust! Ink! Sans

Dust! Ink! Sans

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Description: This Ink is from the 'Fallen Gods' sans group. This group is particularly made of all of the sans considered 'Gods' but the have gone 'evil'. There will be more on them later when I make them. You all could help if y'all want with this group. Dust!Ink!Sans- 100000 Atk. and def. along with 20000 health. This Ink also destroyed all Au's in his multiverse including Error. Although erased, Ink can summon the Au in their dust forms at the last Lv and stats they had before erasure. Btw be careful of his two colors, he may have lost the other colors but in return these two colors one shot anybody below the power level of the 404.

CREATOR ID: 12f8b1
VIEWS: 301
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Dust Ink Sans Sprite

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator