You want my reason on staying here?... PAM, is a easy site to use to make art... Hell, PAM, was what created Terrie, and the rest... During the prime PAM, made me happy... And yet that withered away as time went on. Sides... I had other plans in mind...

You want my reason on staying here?... PAM, is a easy site to use to make art... Hell, PAM, was what created Terrie, and the rest... During the prime PAM, made me happy... And yet that withered away as time went on. Sides... I had other plans in mind...

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Description: -Terrie

CREATOR ID: 583245
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: Just I fucking completely quit. I'm fucking done. I'm out. Last post cause I'm going to sleep to not listen to you fucking cry cause I honestly don't care if you are with their side and not mine...

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