* It lingered, scratching at the walls that confined it. They couldn't tell it was even there, only one of them. It scratched. Sometimes, it would seep through, but still, it would remain unnoticed. It could never truly get out. Nobody noticed it, yet it was everywhere.. But at the same time, everyone knew. They could here it, every second, but they had no idea everyone else also heard it. Sometimes, it's screams were a sweet lullaby, and they would dance to it's songs.. Other times, it would be an ear piercing screech, that made everyone go mad.. Yet still, they never talked about it. It was just there. *

* It lingered, scratching at the walls that confined it. They couldn't tell it was even there, only one of them. It scratched. Sometimes, it would seep through, but still, it would remain unnoticed. It could never truly get out. Nobody noticed it, yet it was everywhere.. But at the same time, everyone knew. They could here it, every second, but they had no idea everyone else also heard it. Sometimes, it's screams were a sweet lullaby, and they would dance to it's songs.. Other times, it would be an ear piercing screech, that made everyone go mad.. Yet still, they never talked about it. It was just there. *

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Description: Oh, you read my description? Well, welcome to the chanmber of secrets! The name's Niko The Donut, but just call me Niko. NOW FOR CHARACTER INFO.. ---------- BluBirde The orange haired one. Has green eyes (one looks silver at an angle). Has a colourful sketchbook, full of sketches of many things, inclusing a tall spindly, dark, creature, with demon horns, floating wings, and a strange tail. --------- " Hector " The shadowy orange haired one. Has no facial features other than if you stand at the side you can see the shape. It is quite tall.(around 8 ft) Has somewhat bird-like shaped feet, and claws on their long thin fingers.

CREATOR ID: 8e0170
AGE: 1 year old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator