Onyxtale sans sprite, but it's hard mode (fan made sans AU)

Onyxtale sans sprite, but it's hard mode (fan made sans AU)

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Description: You see, I just took my design from "UnderMad, but it's over Anger, and my 1st Onyxtale sans sprite and combined some features like the red Eye and the Cracks in the skull, if u want me to make more fan made AU's then make your own AU and name it even more AU's, and friend me on roblox my name is Jerrydoes_minecraft, and I'm not a youtuber but I have to do this, shoutouts to the guy who made "sans but I added too much shading and now it looks weird" for the shading and frame of this drawing and shoutouts to irl friend support as always, and thats it. you can skip the dialog now. This is awkward. if you're still reading this you will be here for another 3 minutes. Pls tell me through my AU when you make new AU's. Why are you still reading this? The dialog clearly said you don't have to if you don't need to. you're not gonna stop reading it are you, well I have no choice but to bring out the distorted language. 1f y0u c4n r34d th1s, th3n just st0p r34d1ng th1s, b3c4us3 1t w1ll t4k3 f0r3v3r. If you made it past that then you are a living legend because this is the last part of the dialog, so say it with me, you know it, you love it, it's at the end of every single one of my dialog, just like how we do it, as always, see you in the next drawing.

CREATOR ID: c281ba
VIEWS: 290
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Sans sprite, except I added too much shading to it, and now it looks weird.

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