Wait, that was Soy Sauce. (oh thank god.)

Wait, that was Soy Sauce. (oh thank god.)

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Description: Sprites made & used by Anauxieus | Do not use without permission. || Imperion || Species: Divine | Subspecies: Elder God | Height: 42 Miles | Weight: N/A | Age: N/A || "The 1st son of Zexus. The God of Strength." || Ambient Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Oq62p7udZQ | Battle Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fDz_21JRiA || Abilities: Summon Strengths (Summons 2 Strengths), Return to Oblivion (Kills Strengths, Colossal Damage, Heals from Damage), All Wind Nuke, Fire & Curse Attacks, Eruption (Colossal Damage, Inflicts Burn), Mandate of Heaven (Fulfill Requirement within 3 Turns or Die), Acedia (Makes Opponent Weak to All Affinities), Dekunda (Cancels Debuffs), Buff Thief (Steals Enemy Buffs), Beam of Power (Colossal Almighty Damage, Hits up to 15 times. Hits once if all Strengths are Dead.), Ring of Fire (Deals Fire Heavy Damage every Turn, Can Inflict Burn), Restore Power (Revives all Strengths), High King (Almighty-infused, Colossal Damage) || Max HP: 180,570 || Asmogarde || Species: Divine | Subspecies: Elder God | Height: N/A | Weight: N/A | Age: N/A || "The 2nd son of Zexus. The God of the Stars." || Ambient Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4c-FrJGEHI | Battle Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRFgviKp5hA || Abilities: Ameron (Sets up a crystal shield), Stardust Blast (Heavy Fire & Ice Damage, Hits up to 20 times), All Fire & Ice Attacks, Heat Riser (Buffs all Stats), Debilitate (Debuffs enemy Stats), Acedia (Makes Opponent Weak to All Affinities), Stare (High Chance to cause Random Ailment), Armageddon (Colossal Almighty Damage), Disaster (Severe Non-Elemental Magic Damage), Slash (Heavy Damage), Cleave (Medium Damage, Higher Crit Chance), Terror Claw (Medium Damage, Chance to Inflict Terror), Agneynastra (Heavy Damage), God's Hand (Severe Damage), Hidden Dragon (Medium Damage, High Crit Chance, Attacks Last), Power Eruption (Maxes ATK & AGI, Minimizes DEF), Dekunda (Removes Debuffs), Dekaja (Removes Enemy Buffs), Megidola (Heavy Almighty Damage), Megidolaon (Colossal Almighty Damage), Absorb Spirit (Absorbs Shield's HP & MP), Divine Strike (Almighty & Weakness-Imbued, Colossal Damage), Domination (Steals & Drains HP & MP), Countdown to Apocalypse (Counts down Turns until Battle will End), Supernova (Instant Kill) || Max HP: 65,535 || Terebrus || Species: Divine | Subspecies: Elder God | Height: 16'8" | Weight: N/A | Age: N/A || "The 3rd son of Zexus. The God of Land." || Ambient Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qrrsy1igbwA | Battle Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nooj8y1DMPU || Abilities: Run Away (Causes a Draw), Regenerate (Restores all HP), All Earth, Wind & Bless Attacks, Cross Cut (Heavy Damage, Attacks Twice), Neo Cross Slash (Severe Damage, Attacks 4 Times), Dekunda (Removes Debuffs), Synthesize (Gains Effects from Enemy Buffs & Debuffs, & Vice Versa), Vorpal Blade (Heavy Damage, Attacks 4 Times), All-Out Strike (Severe Damage), God's Hand (Severe Damage), Brave Blade (Heavy Damage), Master Strike (Colossal Damage, Attacks Twice), Acedia (Makes Opponent Weak to All Affinities) || Max HP: 87,045 || Aquis || Species: Divine | Subspecies: Elder God || Height: 82' 4" | Weight: N/A | Age: N/A || Ambient Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZVkbNm66Do | Battle Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2JeL1ibBI0 || Abilities: All Ice, Water & Electric Abilities, Abyssal Roar (Inflicts Panic, Terror or Despair), Tail Whack (Medium Damage), Camouflage (Evades Next Attack), Shell Split (Medium Damage, Lowers Enemy DEF), Hadopelagic Pressure (Random Amount of Water Damage), Hadopelagic Whail (Colossal Damage, Inflicts Terror), Abyss Screech (Severe Damage, High Crit Chance), Hymns of the Damned (Colossal Damage, Hits up to 5 Times, Low Chance to Instakill), Parasitism (All HP & MP Lost or Gained is shared for 3 Turns), Bioluminescence (Raises AGI, Lowers Enemy AGI) || Max HP: 42,550 ||

CREATOR ID: a2471d
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: The Elder Gods - Desc Update

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator