Pico originates from Pico's School, a point-and-click Flash game created by Newgrounds' founder Tom Fulp in 1999. Due to the game's popularity at the time, Pico quickly became a fan favorite around Newgrounds. Since then, Pico has been appointed the site's first mascot and has made other cameo appearances in many Newgrounds Flash films and games, and continues to remain a popular character on the site to this day. Newgrounds also has a Holiday named after him known as "Pico Day," a day centered around celebrating not only him but other popular figures in the Newgrounds community. It's celebrated every April 30th, which also happens to be Tom Fulp's birthday. | nevermind he was actually one of the first mascots, before tank guy... | -W

Pico originates from Pico's School, a point-and-click Flash game created by Newgrounds' founder Tom Fulp in 1999. Due to the game's popularity at the time, Pico quickly became a fan favorite around Newgrounds.  Since then, Pico has been appointed the site's first mascot and has made other cameo appearances in many Newgrounds Flash films and games, and continues to remain a popular character on the site to this day.  Newgrounds also has a Holiday named after him known as "Pico Day," a day centered around celebrating not only him but other popular figures in the Newgrounds community. It's celebrated every April 30th, which also happens to be Tom Fulp's birthday. | nevermind he was actually one of the first mascots, before tank guy... | -W

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Description: -Warrior | Character: Warrior | ATK: 87 | DEF: 98 | LVL: 2 | Skills: Hope Burn, Flaming Revolution, Full Body Electric Slam | Extra Info: Embodiment of the Kitsune Of Hope, a creature of legend that carried hope along with it, fueling people with hope

CREATOR ID: d0ac6b
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: finish hows it look* :syleaf

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