how fanon and canon Sans react to Papyruses death (Canon is top, Fanon is bottom)

how fanon and canon Sans react to Papyruses death (Canon is top, Fanon is bottom)

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Description: Trepidation - HP - Well he is practically immortal, though all you need to do is destroy his original eye, if you can ever find it. DEF - Doesn't need Defence. SPD - Can get near as fast as sound. DXT - High reaction speed. INT - A hell ton of Intelligence. - Don't hang around him whilst alone, he may not bite but he sure does decapitate, or sliced... depends on how much of a good person you are, it is hisway on judging. - Be careful, he has frequent mood swings, though he never gets angry... he is just that calm really. - He DESPISES the colour Pink, it's the only time he gets angry, is when he sees Pink. - Make sure he's well fed, don't want him going on murder sprees again... do we? - Seems to go insane from hunger over time - He may not seem like it, but he does care for his friends and others.

CREATOR ID: 57dac4
AGE: 1 year old
BASED ON: new sprite (will i use it? idk)

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