and I have: Intrapersonal Intelligence or “self smarts” is the ability to understand oneself and utilize such knowledge in one’s decision-making and planning. People high in this trait are typically well aware of their thoughts, feelings, weaknesses, strengths, and motivations. Moreover, they usually have rich and rewarding introspections and like to process their experiences in depth. They express their feelings creatively and put others at ease by being maturely self-aware. This type of intelligence is often demonstrated by psychologists, writers, theorists, philosophers, scientists, and spiritual leaders.

and I have: Intrapersonal Intelligence or “self smarts” is the ability to understand oneself and utilize such knowledge in one’s decision-making and planning. People high in this trait are typically well aware of their thoughts, feelings, weaknesses, strengths, and motivations. Moreover, they usually have rich and rewarding introspections and like to process their experiences in depth. They express their feelings creatively and put others at ease by being maturely self-aware. This type of intelligence is often demonstrated by psychologists, writers, theorists, philosophers, scientists, and spiritual leaders.

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Description: Hewwo, I'm Kawai Kat, I'm 17 years old, and I am 5 foot and 3 centimeters tall. Sorry if I seem slow or don't understand, I'm mentally disabled.

CREATOR ID: c91422
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: *Nuzzles tiny timmy*

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