sans is a cool character that people turn into this - "a manic that kills everything and hes super strong and he can turn into super strong demon skeleton with all souls and has 100000000000000000 hp", when sans really is "a skeleton who makes funny puns and thinks his brother is really cool and hes the weakest monster in the underground but his boss fight is really hard."

sans is a cool character that people turn into this - "a manic that kills everything and hes super strong and he can turn into super strong demon skeleton with all souls and has 100000000000000000 hp", when sans really is "a skeleton who makes funny puns and thinks his brother is really cool and hes the weakest monster in the underground but his boss fight is really hard."

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Description: i think the original was made by mix so yea. the colored version if made by dream/withered bonnie

CREATOR ID: b9de0d
VIEWS: 105
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: save (added credit) - Sans.v6

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