when she means by stealing, does she mean your attention, or trying to get with you? because if its the attention, im so sorry, if its trying to get if you, Im not, into dating or relationships...

when she means by stealing, does she mean your attention, or trying to get with you? because if its the attention, im so sorry, if its trying to get if you, Im not, into dating or relationships...

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Description: ((Name: Chara)) ((Likes: To be picked up like a princess, Honey, Chocolate, Bananas, Lasagna, Anything Butterscotch and Milkshakes! Likes the feeling of slime. Dislikes: Rice. Notes: Soul trait: Patience. Height: 5 feet. Weight: 86 pounds. Very ticklish and seems to not want to be angry, and wants to be very nice. )) ((Thanks to 9664c for the chara body)) -((Exprestions by: c9142 -> Sweet_Kawai_Cat <- aka me)) (http://pixelartmaker.com/art/0c2e7e680f9551d)

CREATOR ID: c91422
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Whats wrong Doomfanger?

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator