"You make a loop and the snake goes down, it changes it`s mind and turns around, it climbs back up to the top again, this is where the fun begins! You take the snake and spiral down, and at the bottom what has he found! The snake goes into the rabbit`s hole, and then you give the top a pull, never consider self-abuse, this is how you tie a noose!"

"You make a loop and the snake goes down, it changes it`s mind and turns around, it climbs back up to the top again, this is where the fun begins! You take the snake and spiral down, and at the bottom what has he found! The snake goes into the rabbit`s hole, and then you give the top a pull, never consider self-abuse, this is how you tie a noose!"

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Description: OC Name: Alex || Made by CT || Some stuff by _daz_ || New Sprite Section by Ekusukariba (Eku)

CREATOR ID: 000885
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: [Save] for Alex

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator