If I had to say just as a real quick sort of thing to sorta just- add onto what you all said. Everyone has different views on what they precieve as cute or not, some may view Luna's sprite as cute, and some may not. It's just how you precieve things really. But it's really unnecessary to just be a.... well.... an a-hole towards things. Realistically, the sprite Luna made isn't problematic, personally it's not really my style but I acknowledge it's rather well made. I just think you're overreacting 7521f9, aka just hateful just to be hateful.

If I had to say just as a real quick sort of thing to sorta just- add onto what you all said. Everyone has different views on what they precieve as cute or not, some may view Luna's sprite as cute, and some may not. It's just how you precieve things really. But it's really unnecessary to just be a.... well.... an a-hole towards things. Realistically, the sprite Luna made isn't problematic, personally it's not really my style but I acknowledge it's rather well made. I just think you're overreacting 7521f9, aka just hateful just to be hateful.

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VIEWS: 103
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