AIght so since you think I'm blue, I really have no idea what happened with you guys and blue. I must've been gone for that time period. I did take a pretty long break. BUt seriously idk what happened with blue. k bai

AIght so since you think I'm blue,  I really have no idea what happened with you guys and blue. I must've been gone for that time period. I did take a pretty long break. BUt seriously idk what happened with blue. k bai

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Description: Depression!Gunther Isn't glad/happy/excited/etc. at all, would prefer to be known to others as "That guy who left PAM because he got a drawing tablet." If being used, I'm bummed about my end of the year drawing tablet and quitting PAM. Until I leave, Depression!Gunther will continue to be used. OG used and made by Gunther. Theme: (Saddest music you know.) "A remake of my first sprite. Came out better than before if you ask me." - Gunther.

CREATOR ID: 5f894b
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Lets hear it!

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator