BRING IT ON, YOU WANTED A FIGHT SO YOU GET IT! The x-axis and y-axis are two lines that create the coordinate plane. The x-axis is a horizontal line and the y-axis is a vertical line. ... Reminder: the x-axis really runs left and right, and the y-axis runs up and down. - Oliver

BRING IT ON, YOU WANTED A FIGHT SO YOU GET IT! The x-axis and y-axis are two lines that create the coordinate plane. The x-axis is a horizontal line and the y-axis is a vertical line. ... Reminder: the x-axis really runs left and right, and the y-axis runs up and down. - Oliver

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Description: Nothing is fully known about the creature, they are just an egg... Ambient theme: Phase 1: Phase 2: Hatched:

CREATOR ID: d14112
VIEWS: 112
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Finding the y value is easy if you know the slope of the line and the x coordinate. Review the equation for the slope of a line. The equation for finding the slope is: m = [y1 - y2] / [x1 - x2]. If you know x, you can solve for y to find the y value for the slope of the line. - Oliver

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