(Loosing self) Sophia By The darkened wolf

(Loosing self) Sophia By The darkened wolf

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Description: Sophia} "I can't remember...Who I am.... Everything's a blur... Take me over..... I become what you want.... I am what you've wanted, Right?..... Sacrificed all I've known.... I have taught myself to let go....." part of this song is the only thing I remember, all you've taught me was to kill, why thought? I cant remember myself any more, it brings a tear to my eye that I cant even remember my self. What's my name? Where do I live? Do I have a family? Am I a girl or boy? How old am I? So many questions unanswered, So many questions I CAN'T answer, maybe.... JUST maybe.... someone else can answer it for me, but who? I don't know anyone else but the person who owns my mirror.....

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 159
AGE: 6 years old

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