*he rushes to where ct and atari are* jesus christ! i didnt know people feel from the sky in this universe! do you need some help?

*he rushes to where ct and atari are* jesus christ! i didnt know people feel from the sky in this universe! do you need some help?

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Description: σκοτάδι-dark, darker, yet darker, the darkness consumes you, it requires your submission, do not resist....|Stats| ??? hp| 998 df| 600-1000 atk| Mission| To enslave all universes, his next target is pam|Backstory|(get off my *censored* this is my first time writing a backstory for an evil character)| |anyway back to the story, so σκοτάδι was not born evil, in fact, he wasn't born at all, he just kind of popped out of the darkness, anyway, his adopted father taught him to be evil, for where his father failed,σκοτάδι would succeed...|

CREATOR ID: ebf0c4
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: (save)

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator