M8, I snapped over a 5 dollar fidget spinner btw. This was when those were hip. I'm a bit of a hot head if you really get on my damn nerves. Or almost get me in trouble.

M8, I snapped over a 5 dollar fidget spinner btw. This was when those were hip. I'm a bit of a hot head if you really get on my damn nerves. Or almost get me in trouble.

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CREATOR ID: 990543
VIEWS: 102
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Everyone called me weak, but now they made me into a quiet kid. I'm basically like... if you're picking on me and you see me reach into my backpack, you fucking run. I made them fear me, because I myself was afraid. And that's the story of how my life fucked me up beyond comprehension.

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